A man of today’s world has stuck up in life affairs and seems to look up to new ways to bring comfort and ease in his life, whether at home or in the office. Every morning, science magazines and newspapers reveal recent technological advancements in every sphere of man’s life. Technology has revolutionized man’s life regardless of the field, starting from the mining and shipping industries, and finds no end point till space. New technological advancements which are going to bring marvels in man’s life are discussed below in detail:
1-Artificial Intelligence:
After WW2, a question mathematician Alan Turing changed the world’s history, can machines think? His research paper published in 1950 laid down the goals and objectives of AI. However, several definitions of AI are presented by scientists. In my view, Artificial Intelligence can be defined as the ability of machines to think, respond and act as humans do in a given situation.
AI is now commonly used in the field of computing. In recruiting firms, when an applicant fills up his application form, the back-end working algorithm responds within nanoseconds based on AI. Technological experts and scientists are now claiming that every new machine which would ease up the businesses or routine affairs of humans would rest on the phenomenon of Artificial Intelligence.
2-Autonomous Vehicles:
Autonomous Vehicles or driverless vehicles are now gaining more popularity in today’s technological world. In this busy life, it is becoming much more difficult for each individual to find time for rest merely. This is the primary reason for the driverless cars as today’s world’s most advanced technology companies are working effectively to manufacture driverless cars. Among them, TESLA stands on the top. These vehicles are equipped with six driving modes enabling the driver to lay down on the seat, enjoy the luxurious drive, and indeed may have a sound nap. Autonomous vehicles work by sensing or observing the surrounding environment and perform functions as the driver of a car does by braking or accelerating the gas paddle or moving the steering wheel. Highly advanced and sophisticated AI technology is being inculcated in these cars with minimum probability of road accidents.

3-6G (Sixth-Generation Wireless)
This technology would provide higher efficiency in terms of data transfer than its successor of 5G. 6G mobile network can support one-microsecond latency communications. It is expected that 6G technology would revolutionize the existing networks through improved imaging, location awareness, and much more in the field of networking. Collaborating with Artificial Intelligence (AI) 6G network would identify the best optimum places for data storage processing and sharing among users with ease. Promptly 6G technology will use higher frequency systems, and it is expected that this technology will reshape the existing cellular world by late 2030 and in the mid of the next decade.

4-Service Robot
These specialized, well-programmed, sophisticated robots assist human beings by performing jobs that are too dangerous, dirty, or repetitive, as its human nature that gets boredom after performing daily repetitive tasks, and it results in monotony in functions. The generic term service robot does not have a specific definition. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines a service robot as a machine that performs practical tasks for humans as they are specifically programmed to do so. `Service robots are classified for personal and professional use and can also be classified based on their shape and configuration.
Care-O-bot: Actively assists humans in daily life, i.e., in hotels, the health care sector, and hospitals.
PatroBot: is a programmable general service robot.
Gita: It’s a two-wheel cargo-carrying robotic vehicle that can be used in big shopping malls and small industries.
Rollin Justin: Programmable humanoid robot developed by the technological giant which resides in Germany.
Roomba: A series of robotic vacuum cleaners actively used at the domestic level and in offices.
Sanbot: Intelligent cloud-based service robot developed by the Chinese technology firm, which is now actively used in collaboration with Artificial intelligence in many industries and corporate settings.

5-Industrial Robots
These robots are programmed to perform dangerous tasks with accuracy and precision that human beings cannot achieve. These sophisticated robots are fast and powerful, and these are programmed with the application of picking up from conveyor line to packaging, where the robot feeds raw materials into processing equipment. Industrial robots are also used for palletizing, cutting, and finishing, especially in car assembly lines, to seal and glue metal pieces and chassis parts and to give them a shiny look by spraying on the chassis with accuracy.

6-New Energy Vehicles (NEVs)
China is the world’s largest country, selling 5.5 million units of Hybrid, New Energy Vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles, and fuel cell electric vehicles. And not only passenger cars are included but also includes commercial vehicles. New Energy vehicles are the term solely used by the Chinese government as this technology is relatively newer.
All the world countries are formulating policies to encourage the use of NEV. Among them, the Chinese government stands at the top as it aims to establish a world-leading industry of hybrid vehicles, reduce import bills in oil from the Middle East, mitigate urban pollution and minimize carbon emissions. By the end of this decade, China and Norway have affirmed that all vehicles will be hybrid and use renewable energy resources instead of gasoline.

In summary, a Blockchain entails a list of digital ever-growing data –records. This list is secured by specialized cryptographic codes and includes many blocks of data organized chronologically. Blockchain found its way back in the early 1990s when computer scientist Stuart Haber and Physicist W.Scott applied chronological principles to the data set to avoid tampering.
This blockchain technology is the essence of many digital currencies like Bitcoin. Transactions in blockchain networks occur in the form of (nodes) via computers which are globally distributed. Each node contains a copy of the blockchain and intensifies the security and proper working of the network. This is the pivotal point that makes Bitcoin borderless, censorship-resistant, and avoids the interference of third parties.
Blockchain technology can also be incorporated into other segments and fields, such as healthcare, supply chain, insurance, etc. This technology can also be implemented on a centralized system to reduce operational costs.

8-Alternative and Renewable Bio-based Plastic Materials
A major issue today is the curse of environmental degradation in the form of pollutants. Biodegradable polymers form the basis for an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative substitute to existing petrochemicals which are polluting our water reservoirs and our environment. These biodegradable materials play a vital role as they are part of the natural carbon cycle, especially in contrast to polymeric materials and detergents. Water/soil microorganisms usually use biopolymers through enzymatic activities, thus increasing the soil fertility rate, especially for cultivation purposes. These biopolymers are now being used and encouraged at several forums to reduce sustainability in the environment and pollution. Many countries are implementing restrictions on the use of plastic bags and appreciating the use of biopolymers. Once used, they have a short life span, bio-based, and are degradable.

9-Technology of Solid State Batteries
Recently Lithium-ion Batteries have been used in many sophisticated gadgets. Still, users are much more conscious regarding their safety and swelling of batteries due to the rise in temperature and battery leakage, as these batteries are relatively less stable. At the same time, solid-state batteries have successfully overcome these issues and are durable as they possess solid structures and maintain their shape even if the electrolyte is damaged.
Does a question arise about why solid-state batteries are necessary? The answer is to increase the capacity of existing batteries. A solid-state battery has a higher density than a liquid ion battery. Still, it occupies much space, and battery prices are also increasing. As the auto industry is shifting to Synergy drive to increase efficiency, one solution is to increase the number of battery pac.
Moreover, it does not pose any fire risk and expansion, so it is more protective and convenient. Now many giants of the world predominantly Samsung is working on solid-state batteries to manufacture batteries that run longer and are safe than the existing EV batteries. Experts hope that Samsung will fill this gap with its cutting-edge technology of R&D.

These are also called nanotech and involve using matter or atoms at molecular and supramolecular scales for industrial purposes. These advanced materials are now used in molecular biology, semiconductor physics, microfabrication, and molecular engineering.
There is much debate on the implications of nanotechnology and its usage. In the coming year, nanotechnology could be used to create many devices and products, especially in the health field as lifesaving drugs as nanomedicines, in the field of electronics as Nano-electronics and consumer products.

In a nutshell, if one summarizes how technology would reshape the existing work patterns and habits of humans, the answer would be simple the sole aim of advancement and technology is to bring ease to the lives of humans. Still, this ease should not come at the cost of the environment and the degradation of natural habitats.
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