Writing content/blog for another company’s website is known as guest blogging, commonly referred to as “guest posting.” Typically, guest writers contribute to the sites that are similar to their own niche for:

  • Bring in more visitors to their website
  • Boost the reputation and awareness of their brand, and
  • Establish connections with colleagues in the same field

Guest blogging almost always has advantages for both the guest blogger and the website that hosts the guest content.

Every individual is not aware of the Search Engine Optimization SEO of Google. When an individual starts a new blog, it becomes quite difficult to fetch a large number of views. Now a question arises about the number of views and the best possible and cost-efficient ways to bring the blog to the top or on the front pages.

Big giants and established websites have already attained the required viewers and traffic. So here in Guest Blogging or Guest Posting, a benefit exists for new entrants. In this tough competition, it is becoming quite difficult to continuously bring traffic to the blog while maintaining the reader’s attention.

Therefore, Guest Blogging offers a variety of advantages for a new blog, which are enlisted below in detail:

Advantages of Guest Blogging/ Guest Posting

1-Large number of viewers

As, established blogs has users/viewers in millions. A new blog has benefit by using relevant keyword and post it on the website of such a huge giant as in context of Pakistan it is Pro-Pakistani .Simply, a new blog can use such big platform to fetch traffic on its website

2-Can build Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty

For a fresh blog it is the most strategic important question to build awareness and loyalty among the users. This can be achieved by reaching to the maximum number of audience and secondly to make them aware about the blog specific niche and how this blog could cater their queries.

3-Boosting of Domain Authority

This could fix the issue of increasing the strength of a new blog by using the domain of a high authority platform. As domain strength is also one of the important parameters to increase the reach of a blog to a large number of readers and audiences.

4-New content on the Blog

By using guest blogging new content and additional useful information can be provided to the readers, it ultimately increases the number of views and helps to maintain brand awareness among the readers.

5-How a new Blogger could do Guest Blogging

To start blogging, detail in-depth research is the essence to write a successful blog. By establishing a link or network with other bloggers in specific niche and large platforms which have traffic in millions, this network could help to find a potential platform and interested readers. If the content of the blog is not aligned with the theme or title of your blog it could have drastic implications on your blog. So identifying a specific niche and relevant content is also essential for Guest Blogging.

Things to consider for putting Blog post and vice versa

Does this platform which has been selected after several checks and filters, entails enough readers who could read our blog post? 

Specific and careful selected domain, whether has maximum reach and availability on all social media forums including Facebook, Twitter and do the readers comment or like blog posts on regular basis?

Do such platform has high domain authority which could amplify my own blog domain? A careful SWOT analysis is required to evaluate such domain authority.


Using specific Keyword for a relevant industry or niche is much important as it could increase the number of viewers and traffic as If an individual wants to write a Blog for marketing services, then he could Google as,

  • Marketing service providers for fresh business
  • Marketing service providers for websites and for Blogs
  • Marketing services providers for Blogs

— And so on. It would definitely work to find out the targeted audiences and the topic you are intending to write and at present, acceptance of submission from Guest Bloggers.

How Guest Blogging directly Improves your SEO?

Its answer is simple as long as an individual is interested in creating Guest Blogs having significant market value and worth in terms of finance and brand value, Guest Blogging is a major tool to boost one’s new individual domain authority and accelerates its ranking in SEO.

Though, now days increased competition and by anticipating the potential gap many Spam bloggers are quite active ,with intention of bringing blog owners by posting low and poor content for their own link budgeting and SEO ranking, careful SWOT analysis( Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities ,Threats) can be conducted to differentiate among the serious and legitimate Guest Bloggers and online platforms. Therefore, creating of SEO-boosting Guest Blogging strategy provides genuine, useful and relevant, authentic content to inform the readers rather than poor, low quality content for just increasing links to your website. Therefore, it can be concluded that as long as content quality is good and relevant, Guest Blogging is the best mood to increase individual’s website ranking. As when a viewer likes, comment or share on your blog, it moves up in Google’s page Rank and subsequently enhances SEO of your website.

Attributes and Ambiance of High –Quality Guest Blogging

First and far most thing to consider that Guest Blog is for value addition to your audience –not as an advertisement. With specific niche which you have chosen having good quality content aims to educate and aware your readers rather than promoting your own product and website. Yes, if the topic is similar or compatible with your service or product then go a head while featuring it in your blog.

In lieu, writing guest blog with aim of establishing yourself as figurative personality in your field, with introducing your name to new audiences and building long term relationships with other bloggers and businesses is a long term strategy which would definitely yield fruit.


Guest Blogging offers advantages for all involve parties and it works even more smoothly when the arrangement is reciprocal. It really helps new blog in its marketing with having something new and educational as it could be used in any campaigns and social media posts. Moreover, it possesses many benefits for the writers who are relatively new in their fields as they get chance by introducing themselves with new audiences and best possible way to get their business or websites being noticed by large number of individuals. With understanding the role of Guest Blogging, with  adoption of best and right ethical practices a, new individual can easily become able to get many benefits and can position himself in the field with less time .